Today was my Grandfather's 80th birthday and my sister's 21st so the whole family came over to celebrate. Gladys is resting now because she went a little bit crazy eating so much cake!
Glady's made her promise as a Girl Guide today. She is now a sister to all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts over the world. Maybe she'll be able to find a unit/troop when she returns to the UK. :)
Here she is wearing a temporary uniform. We didn't have any in her size so had to make do with this.
Afterwards we had an indoor campfire - a practice for the huge one we are having in a few weeks. We also toasted marshmallows. YUM!
Glady's came to work with me today. We've just changed all our computers to Macs so we spent most of the day googling how to do the most basic of functions. She has realised that she would much rather stay at home with my dog than come to work with me!
Trying to figure out how to do basic functions in Excel.
Glady's arrived in Australia today. She was lucky that she has remembered to bubble wrap herself before the journey because we've been having terrible storms all week in Sydney and she would have been soaked!
Here she is beside a coin to show how teeny tiny she is!! She's about the size of Gus' head.
And I forgot to take a photo but she brought some yummy chocolate with her (Freddos, Mars bar and Daims). She'd eaten a few but saved some for my sister and I.