Sunday, August 8, 2010


I forgot to post this postcard I received last week!! For some reason the photo won't flip and the line underneath this won't disappear... Blogger hates me today.



We caught the train into the city, then the ferry to the zoo where we met up with the Girl Guides. Slept over at the zoo (under the stars) after a night of food, movies and karaoke.

Reading the paper on the train:

We got very little sleep as having 1000 kids under 18 doesn't not lead to a quiet night. Plus it was freezing AND it rained!

Gladys used my glove as a sleeping bag :)

This was made better by the fact that we got to spend the day at the zoo. It was a lot of fun! Although the zoo isn't nearly as good as the open range zoo we visited in Melbourne.


Mountain goats with Sydney Harbour in the background.

The new baby pygmy hippo - only a few days old. The cutest thing you will ever see.

And that's all the photos I am willing to share.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HB to me!

Today was my birthday and Gladys was brilliant at keeping me from getting upset about how old I am. She even came to work with me :) It actually was a really good day Much better than expected.

At work I got a cupcake and cake, a princess tiara and lots of lollies - which we had to find in a hot/cold lolly hunt! Here's Gladys with the Caremello Koala she found.

For dinner I got my favourite meal - chicken schnitzel, potato bake, mac and cheese, strawberry milk and icecream cake. Felt incredibly sick afterwards. So did Gladys.

On Friday we are sleeping at Taronga Zoo (in the city) and then going to a show on Saturday night. Can't wait!